TOLFA (Rome)

3-6 JULY 2025


XIV° International Festival of Improvised Arts


The International Festival of Improvised Arts – Tolfama, is an event organized by the National School of Improvisation and Theater Vicolo Cechov.

Now in its 14th edition, it was created to create a space and an opportunity for the different cultures, techniques and methods of execution of national and international improvisation to meet, in a country rich in artistic, historical and architectural peculiarities that act as the primary engine site specific improvised performances.


Choose your path.


XIV° International Festival of Improvised Arts

The International Festival of Improv Theater Tolfama, now in its XIV edition, was created to create a space and an opportunity for the different cultures, techniques and methods of execution of national and international improv theater to meet, all in a space full of artistic, historical and architectural peculiarities, which act as the primary engine of improvised performances.

The evocative beauty of the streets, streets, squares and alleys of the city of Tolfa (Rm), have made it possible to make Tolfama one of the most important Site Specific events, i.e. characterized by educational itineraries (Workshops) that culminate in improvised performances designed to be carried out taking advantage of the most evocative places of architectural/archaeological interest in the country, specially studied and selected by international teachers.

Thanks to the collaboration of Vicolo Cechov, the National School of Improvisation Theater, the Municipality of Tolfa, the Italian-Norwegian Study Center and TolfaCittàSlow, the Tolfama Festival is now considered one of the most important “Site Specific Theater” Festivals on the national scene and international, enriched every year more and more by the presence of great artists and theatrical improvisers from all over the world.

But don’t let these words fool you too much.
In the end, Tolfama is just a small idea born from four actors who are first of all four friends who love each other. A small idea of aggregation so bizarre that, in the end, it has become a serious matter (even if we continue to enjoy ourselves like crazy while we work to make it grow more and more).

This is Tolfama: a little good thing.

And also this year, we hope you will honor us by being part of it too.

We look forward to seeing you in Tolfa from 3 to 6 July 2025.

The organizers,

Roberto Rotondo

Fabio Astolfi

Francesca Ciaralli

Enrico D’Agata

Contact us.

Write us for info

Tolfama – XIV° International Festival of Improvised Arts

Phone: +39 339 2587425